Sorry it's taken me so long to send you something about Peppy. We miss him very much. Every time I go to find a photo to send you I end up crying. Actually writing this with tears streaming down my face.
I've chosen this one as he looks so happy! He's on my bed, waiting for me. His favourite place to be In fact, I have his ashes next to my bed so he can sleep with me forever. When I die he will leave this Earth with me ready for whatever comes next.
Thank you for all the fantastic care and advice you gave us. It really did help him be more comfortable and help us feel confident when caring for him. You managed to put all of us at ease and know that ultimately it was the right thing to do for our lovely Peppino.
There would have been no one else I would have trusted to have helped him cross the rainbow bridge.
Thank you again.
Lots of love from The **** Family.